How Were You Exposed To Asbestos?

If you suffer from mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease, it is important to determine how you were exposed to asbestos. At the law firm of Summers, Rufolo & Rodgers, our attorneys know how to find the causes of asbestos exposure and identify liable parties. We are here to help you pursue fair and just compensation for the many hardships you face due to asbestos exposure.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease such as mesothelioma, do not call a 1-800 number or some out-of-state law firm that advertises on cable TV. You can call a local number and speak directly with an experienced local mesothelioma attorney about your situation. We have been handling asbestos and mesothelioma cases since the 1970s. Contact us locally at 423-265-2385 to arrange a free initial consultation with an experienced Chattanooga mesothelioma attorney.

Asbestos Points Of Exposure

How were you exposed to asbestos? Anyone who is exposed to asbestos fibers can contract mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease. It can be difficult to identify the source of asbestos exposure because symptoms rarely appear until decades later.

Most asbestos victims were exposed on the job. Often someone diagnosed with mesothelioma was exposed to asbestos for a long time. However, it is not impossible for someone exposed only briefly to contract the disease.

In handling asbestos litigation cases, our attorneys work to uncover the causes of asbestos exposure. We thoroughly investigate all potential points of exposure, including work history, exposure to asbestos-containing products and the work histories of close relatives.

Our asbestos lawyers know how to identify the causes of asbestos exposure and demonstrate how it leads to mesothelioma. We are dedicated to helping our clients obtain the compensation they need, while holding all responsible parties accountable.

Contact A Chattanooga Asbestos Exposure Lawyer

If you or a loved one suffers due to asbestos exposure, our attorneys are here to help you explore your legal options. Contact us today online or by telephone at 423-265-2385 to arrange a consultation with an experienced Chattanooga, TN, mesothelioma and asbestos lawyer.

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