Year: 2023
What is the impact of speed limits on safety?
Every time you are on the road, you probably see at least one, if not many, other drivers speeding down the freeway. Speeding is incredibly common, especially since most drivers try to move with the flow of traffic – which is often over the speed limit. Speed limits are not something to overlook. They are
The rise of ransomware means the risk of charges
Ransomware is a type of malware that holds digital files and information “for ransom.” For example, one of the most common attacks involves someone using ransomware to confiscate a social media account or personal photos and demand payment to return them to the user. You may already be familiar with the concept of ransomware. However,
How are mesothelioma and lung cancer different?
Receiving a diagnosis of mesothelioma is one of the most devastating incidents any patient could experience. As you research the condition, you will probably find many comparisons between mesothelioma and lung cancer. Although the two share similarities such as developing in the lung region, they are not the same – in fact, they have many
Why are pedestrian deaths at a 40-year high?
Every day, on average, 20 Americans are killed in vehicle-pedestrian accidents. That’s the highest rate of pedestrian fatalities since 1981. That added up to over 7,500 pedestrians killed in motor vehicle accidents last year, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA). It could be more; but the data was incomplete. Why? According to NPR, pedestrian
3 things to know to get ready for your road trip
Many Tennessee families are already planning a fun road trip sometime this summer. These trips can be great bonding experiences but being on the road always involves some level of risk. The longer the trip, the more risk involved. To combat that increased risk, here are three things you should keep in mind. 1. Make
Have you started your Camp Lejeune claim yet? The clock is running.
Many servicemembers, their families and civilians were affected by the contaminated water at Marine Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. Some have become sick with a wide range of cancers, reproductive issues and other illnesses. In 2022, federal lawmakers passed the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, which was included as Section 804 in the broader Honoring
What is the risk of teen drunk driving?
For teenagers, summer can be a time of relaxation and freedom. As they spend more time with their peers and enjoy the newfound independence of having a driver’s license, parents must make sure their children avoid a newfound risk as well: driving under the influence. Here are a few things parents must know about this
Do not ignore your mental health after a cancer diagnosis
A mesothelioma or lung cancer diagnosis is something no one expects – as well as something many fear. It changes everything in an instant. This is why it can take a heavy toll on your mental health on top of the physical effects you experience. As you begin medical treatments for mesothelioma, it can be
Can parents make summer injury-proof?
Once school is out, your kids are ready for summer fun. It is common during this time of year for your children to come home with a few bruises or scrapes after playing outside with their friends or attending summer camps. These small injuries might be easy to treat, but how can parents prevent much
Drug field test kits are so inaccurate, some places are banning them
The field test kits many law enforcement agencies use to determine whether a certain substance is an illegal drug while out in the field can be inaccurate. For that reason, they’re generally not admissible in court without some further testing or proof. The results are considered preliminary – enough for an arrest but not reliable