Author: Summers, Rufolo & Rodgers
How safe is vaping for young adults?
When e-cigarettes first came onto the scene, they were advertised as a safer alternative to cigarette smoking. That does not necessarily mean that vaping is altogether safe. In fact, there are harmful substances in e-cigarettes that you may not know about. CDC: Nicotine is not safe for kids, teens or young adults Unlike regular cigarettes,
Fireworks: Balancing danger and fun
Fireworks are a long-standing tradition to celebrate the Fourth of July across the country, whether families attend professional firework displays or buy firecrackers and sparklers to celebrate at home. While the COVID-19 pandemic will change how Americans celebrate this year, Tennessee families must be mindful of how dangerous fireworks can be. Fireworks are more dangerous
Pandemic underscores systemically low staffing in nursing homes
Even with restrictions on visitors, COVID-19 has run through nursing facilities like wildfire. As we discussed recently on this blog, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) estimates that almost 26,000 residents of American nursing homes have died from COVID-19 and another 60,000 have become sick. The CMS recognizes, however, that these numbers are incomplete.
Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder discontinuation: 3 things to know
Lawsuits alleging that using Johnson & Johnson’s talc-based baby powder caused cancer have made headlines for over five years. The lawsuits claim that the talc contains asbestos, a known carcinogen. People diagnosed with cancer-either mesothelioma or ovarian cancer-say it was caused by their regular use of the powder, promoted as smooth and gentle enough for
Domestic violence is common among both women and men
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) defines domestic violence as “the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systemic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another.” The frequency and severity can vary dramatically, but the events include everything from threats and
Large cosmetics brands are moving away from talc
Since 2013, thousands of lawsuits have been filed against Johnson & Johnson alleging that its baby powder and other products contain talc that has been contaminated by asbestos. Talc, a naturally occurring mineral powder, is mined in the same types of rock as asbestos. Unfortunately, the plaintiffs say they developed cancer after using J&J’s talc products for
A DUI puts your commercial driver’s license at risk
The stakes are higher when a commercial driver gets into a crash. They could be hauling thousands of pounds of goods, which could slam into other vehicles or be scattered over the roadway. They could be carrying a bus full of kids. They could be transporting hazardous materials. The truck itself is so much larger
Almost 26,000 nursing home residents have died from COVID-19
With the U.S. death toll from COVID-19 above 100,000, we now have information about how many of those deaths occurred in nursing homes. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), nearly 26,000 residents of U.S. nursing homes have died from COVID-19 and over 60,000 others have become ill. Those numbers are incomplete,
Arrested for drunk boating in Tennessee?
If you are facing a boating under the influence charge in Tennessee, don’t give up hope. Working with an experienced criminal defense attorney may result in a reduction of the charges, a lessening of the penalties or dismissal of the charges altogether. You can also fight your charges at trial. In Tennessee, boating under the influence
How could an underage DUI affect college education?
Parents are often fully aware of the risks underage drinking involves. Tennessee has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to underage drinking, and most parents follow suit in establishing such policies in their own home. However, when children head off to college, they face a brand-new world and situation – often without parental guidance. 54.9% of