Author: Summers, Rufolo & Rodgers
Avoiding a Thanksgiving DUI
Thanksgiving brings families together for celebrations that involve intense eating of food and drink. It is what makes the holiday so beloved for so many. As the holiday approaches, celebrants who are driving to a party should be cautious not to imbibe too much alcohol with their meals, as it can be dangerous for everyone
Man alleges asbestos led to lung cancer
In a recent lawsuit, a 68-year-old man alleges that asbestos on work sites led to his lung cancer. The man is a former laborer who contends he developed asbestos-induced lung cancer after inhaling asbestos on several job sites in North Carolina dating back to the 1960s. Because the latency period can be decades before an
Fall prevention for the elderly: 3 safety tips
The statistics on falls among the elderly are startling. Every second of every day, somewhere in America, it happens. An older person falls down and often gets hurt. For many who fall, the injuries start a downward spiral that becomes difficult or even impossible to reverse. What can you do to protect against this happening
What you need to know about TN vehicular assault charges
In prior posts, we’ve discussed the strict penalties for even a first-time DUI conviction in Tennessee. The penalties for second, third and subsequent DUI convictions increase correspondingly, with the most serious consequences for repeat offenders. What happens, however, when a DUI also involves serious injury? In this post, we’ll discuss the definition of vehicular assault
Testing finds toxic cadmium in adult jewelry at some chain stores
After a 2010 scandal involving cadmium in some children’s jewelry of Chinese manufacture, several states outlawed the metal in kids’ products — but not for adults. By 2012, it seemed the metal was no longer being used in children’s jewelry. However, the nonprofit Center for Environmental Health recently tested adult jewelry from three national manufacturers
Utah’s 0.05 blood alcohol standard could spread to other states
On Dec. 30, a new Utah law will go into effect, lowering the blood alcohol level for per se DUI from 0.08 percent to 0.05 percent. Utah will have the strictest blood alcohol level in the nation, although 0.05 is already the limit for ordinary drivers in most of Europe. Could 0.05 become the standard
4 FAQs about ongoing talcum powder litigation
The moment when you get the diagnosis of mesothelioma can be a difficult one. Although it is a rare cancer, it is aggressive and there is no cure. The diagnosis may seem out of the blue, but there is a common link for people with mesothelioma: exposure to asbestos. After decades of research and litigation,
Halloween safety tips for tots, parents and the community
With Halloween and trick-or-treating coming up soon, it’s important to remember that a moment of inattention by an adult could turn a traditional day of fun into a tragedy. According to the National Safety Council, kids are more than two times as likely to be struck by a car and killed on Halloween than any
NTSB calls on NHTSA for standardized drugged driving tests
Federal data shows that, of those drivers fatally injured in 2006 traffic crashes who were tested for drugs, 30 percent tested positive. By 2016, that percentage had jumped to 46 percent. Moreover, random roadside testing performed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that 22 percent of drivers showed some evidence of drug use.
U.S. Supreme Court to decide maritime law case involving manufacturer’s “bare metal” defense and when companies must warn of asbestos risk
A case before the U.S. Supreme Court examines whether manufacturers of products that require asbestos as an add-on component should have to warn users of the risk, even when the product as it leaves the manufacturer contains no asbestos. The case was brought by two widows of Navy sailors who died of lung cancer after