Author: Summers, Rufolo & Rodgers
Will holiday DUI awareness efforts lead to your Tennessee arrest?
While driving around Chattanooga, you probably notice twinkling lights on the trees, homes and street lights. You’ve probably seen the wreaths and decorated trees on and inside homes and stores. But have you noticed the red ribbons tied on Tennessee patrol cars? It is the holiday season once again, and that means — like last
Neighbor state wants to take Tennessee DUIs into account
There are beautiful and friendly neighboring states all around Tennessee. A lawmaker in one of those states, however, has a proposal in mind that some might not find very nice if they run into DUI trouble. Senator Arthur Orr of Alabama wants his state to set stricter DUI laws, laws that would look at past
Tennessee police safety measure could mean more DUI arrests
Tennessee safety officials have been working for years to try to reduce the rate of traffic accidents and fatalities in the state. That effort leads law enforcement and government to enact intense efforts to try to identify potentially impaired drivers. News reports about this issue focus on the safety aspect of the matter, particularly because
BAC lab test controversy impacts McMinn and Bradley County cases
Every so often legal stories will hit the headlines that attract continued attention. Those stories become more significant when they actually hit close to home. In the recent controversy regarding a lab worker’s mix-up in BAC tests in Tennessee, his wrongdoing will impact DUI cases right here in Hamilton County, as well as various other
Lab problems lead to at least one DUI dismissal in Tennessee
In a recent post on our Tennessee DUI defense blog, we shared how a lab worker’s mistakes could have a severe impact on drunk driving cases in the state. One man was accused of causing a fatal accident because of drunk driving. But a lab test showed that an initial blood alcohol test was wrong
YouTube DUI confession doesn’t save defendant from prison time
A couple of months ago, we shared the DUI-related story that gained national attention. A young man from out of state got his face and serious wrongdoing in the news after he really put himself out there. He used YouTube to post a video of him confessing to a serious crime. The man claimed that
Does Tennessee lab mistake make for multiple DUI complications?
In March a car accident occurred in Tennessee. A person died in that accident. There is a difference, however, between a fatal accident and a fatal drunk driving accident. That difference significantly impacts a man’s life, reputation, future and freedom. Partly responsible for determining that difference is a toxicology lab that authorities depend on to
Officer’s actions during DUI stop lose him his Tennessee post
While getting pulled over is never pleasant, most drivers wouldn’t expect the incident to become one of violence. If a driver follows the instructions of an officer and complies with the law, there is no reason for a simple traffic stop to involve a physical altercation. Despite that rule, a Tennessee DUI suspect reportedly became a victim
Jerry Summers and Ben McGowan Get Dismissal of Vehicular Homicide Case
On October 7th, 2013, the District Attorney’s office in Chattanooga, Tennessee moved for a dismissal of a vehicular homicide with a blood alcohol level of .24. The basis for said action was the result of a second blood test reading by Aperian Labs of Opeliha, Alabama which showed a blood alcohol reading of .001 and
Supreme Court to decide power of anonymous tips in traffic stops
Drivers have various rights to help protect them from wrongful arrests and charges like drunk driving. For example, Tennessee law says that a driver doesn’t have to consent to field sobriety tests. That is an important right that many drivers are wise to exercise. Another invaluable protection for all citizens is the requirement of probable