Reminder: Extra DUI enforcement St. Patrick’s Day weekend

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, drunk driving accounts for almost a third of U.S. traffic fatalities each year. DUI can also get you arrested, and a Tennessee DUI conviction is a very serious matter. During the 2017 St. Patrick’s Day enforcement push, 103 people were arrested on suspicion of DUI. Make a plan to

Could you comply with Canada’s new THC limit for driving?

There’s an easy way to comply with Canada’s new impaired driving law for marijuana: Don’t use marijuana at all. Considering that marijuana is now legal for recreational purposes in Canada, however, you ideally wouldn’t have to avoid marijuana completely in order to be legal to drive. The effects of THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis,

Can immigrants be deported over DUI offenses?

Since a first-offense DUI is a misdemeanor in Tennessee and elsewhere, it may surprise you to learn that some DUI offenses can have immigration consequences. Generally, a misdemeanor DUI conviction does not result in deportation, but multiple misdemeanor DUI convictions can, under certain circumstances. And, felony DUI offenses can sometimes result in deportation — even

Older drivers’ medications could be a DUI risk

According to recent research by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, almost half of older adults remain active drivers while using seven or more prescription medications. More disturbing is the fact that almost 20 percent of those drivers may be using medications that are considered potentially inappropriate, meaning that their risks generally outweigh their benefits.

For service members, a DUI conviction has serious consequences

In Tennessee, the penalties for DUI can be harsh, even for first-time offenders. As we’ve discussed before, jail time, fines and a suspended license are just the beginning. You could miss work or even lose your job. You could lose your professional license or CDL. There are fees for testing your blood alcohol content and for

Don’t start the New Year with a DUI

The holidays are a time when families come together – and when impaired drivers hit the road. Tragically, countless drivers and passengers lose their lives every year between Christmas and New Year’s. From 2012 to 2017, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration attributed an average of 300 fatalities to drunk driving. If you anticipate drinking this season,

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