High-visibility DUI enforcement season about to begin

The holiday season, beginning at Thanksgiving and continuing until after the first of the year, is a dangerous time of year. It’s party season, and that means more people will drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Therefore, it’s also high-visibility enforcement season. It may seem counterintuitive to advertise enforcement activities, but the National

What you need to know about TN vehicular assault charges

In prior posts, we’ve discussed the strict penalties for even a first-time DUI conviction in Tennessee. The penalties for second, third and subsequent DUI convictions increase correspondingly, with the most serious consequences for repeat offenders. What happens, however, when a DUI also involves serious injury? In this post, we’ll discuss the definition of vehicular assault

NTSB calls on NHTSA for standardized drugged driving tests

Federal data shows that, of those drivers fatally injured in 2006 traffic crashes who were tested for drugs, 30 percent tested positive. By 2016, that percentage had jumped to 46 percent. Moreover, random roadside testing performed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that 22 percent of drivers showed some evidence of drug use.

Drinking a lot of alcohol quickly can cause a blackout

There are a lot of misconceptions about blackout drinking, according to an alcohol abuse researcher and addiction medicine specialist recently interviewed by NPR. It’s important to understand the reality of blackouts so you can avoid the trouble they cause. When people hear of a drinking-related blackout, they often picture someone who has passed out and

Could ride-sharing apps bring about the end of DUI?

Over the last few decades, policymakers have made numerous efforts to curb drunk driving, with varying degrees of success. Overall, DUI has been trending downward, although not at a fast enough pace for many. That could be changing, if the experience of officials in Miami, Florida, represents a trend. According to the Miami Herald, DUI arrests

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