Category: DUI/Drunk Driving Charges
Timing and role models contribute to underage DUIs
The law doesn’t discriminate when it comes to age and drunk driving charges. If a teenager is charged with underage DUI in Tennessee, he or she has a lot at risk. A drunk driving conviction can have a significant impact on anyone’s life. A study recently published in Pediatrics identifies the young drivers who are
Jury agrees: Kennedy’s impairment was mistake, not criminal
What are some of your daily routines? If you are like many other Tennessee residents, you probably wake up, have breakfast, take your vitamins, medications and a shower. It sounds like it is no different for even high-profile public figure Kerry Kennedy. Kennedy says she takes medication for her thyroid. She apparently also takes sleeping
Tennessee Supreme Court Decision on Field Sobriety Tests Overhyped
The recent decision of the Tennessee Supreme Court on February 20, 2014 in the case of State of Tennessee v. David Dwayne Bell has been reported in the news media like it has broken new ground in favor of prosecutors in the area of DUI or Driving Under the Influence cases. In reality it is just one set
Musician’s recent Tennessee arrest adds to list of DUI troubles
n the past we have shared information about the legal hardships experienced by Todd Harrell, a band member of rock group 3 Doors Down. He has been arrested various times in his life, and a couple of those arrests have been within the last couple of years here in Tennessee. Now, the bassist faces more
Consequences of DUI conviction include job opportunity
A common fear among the public is that, if they get arrested and convicted of a crime in Tennessee, they will go to prison. Whether incarceration is a real threat depends on the criminal charge and case. For example, a Tennessee DUI conviction doesn’t necessarily mean someone will serve extensive jail time. A first offense
3 Doors Down musician meets closed door with DUI appeal
The human body and the science of impairment are complex matters. The criminal justice system likes to try to simplify the issue of impairment, but there can be more to a seemingly impaired driver than too much alcohol in his system. It wasn’t just the fact that a famous musician was the defendant that made
Feds hope strict DUI punishment will spread nationwide
The opportunity to drive means different things to different people. For a teenager, it is a new sense of freedom and independence. For a mother, it is a way to get her kids (and herself) out of the house and to the store for the third gallon of milk for the week. For many Tennesseans,
Will holiday DUI awareness efforts lead to your Tennessee arrest?
While driving around Chattanooga, you probably notice twinkling lights on the trees, homes and street lights. You’ve probably seen the wreaths and decorated trees on and inside homes and stores. But have you noticed the red ribbons tied on Tennessee patrol cars? It is the holiday season once again, and that means — like last
Neighbor state wants to take Tennessee DUIs into account
There are beautiful and friendly neighboring states all around Tennessee. A lawmaker in one of those states, however, has a proposal in mind that some might not find very nice if they run into DUI trouble. Senator Arthur Orr of Alabama wants his state to set stricter DUI laws, laws that would look at past
Tennessee police safety measure could mean more DUI arrests
Tennessee safety officials have been working for years to try to reduce the rate of traffic accidents and fatalities in the state. That effort leads law enforcement and government to enact intense efforts to try to identify potentially impaired drivers. News reports about this issue focus on the safety aspect of the matter, particularly because