Potentially faulty blood test vials could jeopardize DUI cases
At least 7,800 DUI and other cases involving blood tests could be in jeopardy in Houston alone after a recall of blood testing vials. The Houston Forensic Science Center announced recently that a small portion of a lot of 240,000 vials were manufactured without a required preservative that keeps blood from clotting in the vials.
Playgrounds with crumb rubber from recycled tires may be toxic
It seemed like such a good idea. Old tires could be recycled into crumb rubber and used in playgrounds and on sports fields, replacing grass, sand or gravel. It would require much less maintenance and could keep tires out of landfills. The rubber would also be softer than sand or gravel, reducing the chance of
Common beauty products can be hazardous to children
A recent study in the journal Clinical Pediatrics found that children under 5 are being sent to the emergency room, on average, every two hours for cosmetics-related injuries. About 60% are kids under two. For this study, the researchers considered data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System from between 2002 and 2016. During that time, 64,686 children
Starting July 1, Tennessee’s DUI laws apply to e-scooters
Now that e-scooters have come to Tennessee, the state has taken notice and updated our laws. As of July 1, e-scooters will be considered motor-driven vehicles. That means that you can be arrested for DUI if you ride an e-scooter while impaired by alcohol or drugs. Before you ride an e-scooter at all, you should be
Prescriptions, even over-the-counter drugs could impair driving
In Tennessee, if your driving is impaired by alcohol, illicit drugs or any substance, you could be charged with DUI. That includes prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs and even herbal or dietary supplements. The fact that they’re legal won’t prevent you from a DUI charge or even a conviction. Therefore, it’s crucial to know what drugs
New York jury orders J&J to pay $300 million in punitive damages
In the latest news on the tainted talc cases against Johnson & Johnson, a Manhattan jury has awarded a couple $25 million in compensatory damages and another $300 million in punitive damages. Punitive damages are meant to punish wrongdoers. The jury agreed that asbestos in J&J’s talc-based products caused the wife’s mesothelioma. As we’ve discussed
Recognizing mesothelioma symptoms is difficult but vitally important
What would you think of a cough that doesn’t get better? Or an increasing shortness of breath? Or fatigue? There are all kinds of illnesses and diseases that can cause these symptoms, many of which are often harmless. However, they can also be signs of a deadly cancer called mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a rare form
In Tennessee, DUI is more serious with a child in the car
Did you know that driving drunk with a child passenger may get you significantly increased penalties in the state of Tennessee? It can, and getting arrested for DUI with a passenger under 18 could get you charged with a Class D felony, if the child suffers a serious injury. If the child dies, you could
Study: 1 in 6 Uber and Lyft cars may be subject to recalls
Ride-hailing apps like Uber and Lyft have become a popular alternative to taxis and public transportation. One reason these services are so inexpensive, however, may be a lack of regulation over the drivers and the cars they drive. Unfortunately, the companies themselves are failing to ensure that every ride will be in a car that
Reminder: Boating under the influence is illegal in Tennessee
For a lot of people, drinking and being on the water seem to go together. Unfortunately, that sometimes includes drinking by boat captains and pilots. If you’re in charge of driving a boat, you should be aware that it is illegal to operate a boat while under the influence of alcohol or drugs in Tennessee,