First-time Tennessee DUI offenders face lifetime of consequences

A recent opinion piece in The Tennessean expressed frustration about the severity of Tennessee’s treatment of first-time DUI offenders. The concerns expressed are likely shared by many in the state who feel people deserve a second chance after making a mistake. The piece started out by criticizing a supposed deal cut by a Tennessee Congressman facing DUI

Tennessee Safety Commissioner Said DUI Laws Need Streamlining

This past Tuesday, Tennessee Safety Commissioner Bill Gibbons advocated for streamlining the state’s lengthy DUI laws. He explained that since lawmakers have routinely added to the laws throughout the past years, the result has been an overly complex patchwork of laws pertaining to Tennessee DUI offenses. “What we’re looking at is trying to possibly streamline

Distracted Driving: Widespread Problem in Tennessee and Nationwide

The issue of distracted driving has been gaining a lot of attention recently. Despite increased awareness, however, numerous drivers continue to engage in this dangerous behavior. This has prompted actions by lawmakers and federal officials. Earlier this month Ray LaHood, the U.S. Transportation Secretary, released a proposal for addressing the problem of drivers using cell

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